Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


and this is my new editing for my blog YESS now I can make an animation for blog's cursor
not so easy, but we can learn it. I hope that my blog will be useful for another people.
Not only for "GAUL-PUNYA" but it can adjust you more info. (m)x(m)

haha ternyata gak gampang ngomong bahasa inggris ya gan, ane aja nyampe mau muntah kalo dengerin orang-orang bule pada NGECIBIR kayak gitu. #kok-nyambung-ke-bule

thanks aja dah buat agan yg udah ngasih info tentang cara pembuatan animation cursor
ane doain semoga banyak rejeki,dikaruniai anak yg banyak,tambah pahala :D

online daritadi cuman dapetnya kursor beginian gan ,tapi gpp deh haha......
tinggal besok belajar editing template sama mbak LHJ aje yg pinter blog huhu

I think that's all from my fucking mouth. Thank you so fucking much. Keep Rockin' (m)x(m)

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